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Sensing Absence: How to See What Isn’t There in the Study of Science and Security

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What is not of concern in social and political life is the ever-shifting shadow to what is of concern.1 At any one time only certain topics will garner the limelight in public discussions. Yet, what remains off the agenda can be judged to be equally, if not more, important than what is so. This is perhaps most obviously evident in the manner priorities change over time and across locations. Swine flu, human trafficking, animal experimentation, HIV/AIDS, and Ebola outbreaks are just some instances of topics that have waxed and waned as matters of apprehension.

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Rappert, B. (2015). Sensing Absence: How to See What Isn’t There in the Study of Science and Security. In: Sensing Absence: How to See What Isn’t There in the Study of Science and Security. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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